Text to Speech

Work With Us


The most important value that will enable Voiser to achieve its goals is its "human resources." For this reason, our main goal for human resources is; To create a corporate culture that will ensure that employees are evaluated in line with their abilities, continuously improve and work efficiently.

Our Human Resources Goals

To create a dynamic human resource that continuously learns and develops Ensuring that managers regularly monitor employee performance by creating a culture in which employees undertake development responsibility and support open communication regarding this Providing employees with a social environment in which they are happy to be Recognizing and rewarding the contributions, achievements and high performance of employees Providing different career development opportunities for employees To be the first choice of people who want to pursue a career

To apply for a job, you can send an e-mail to bilgi@voiser.net with your current CV and reference code of the job you are interested in.

Text-to-Speech without the need for expensive studios and equipment.

English, Turkish, Arabic, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean ... Convert your texts naturally, fluently and realistically with more than 550 voices in 75+ languages.

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